REMEMBER "good clear pictures" are worth a 1000 Words .. so please take a moment and watch our short video:
Email Us Any Questions
1. Include a ruler or tape measure .. for size reference?
2. Take photos of the part from different angles with good contrast. (at least 3, but more may be better);
3. what the part is made of ?? i.e. aluminum, zinc, steel, plastic, wood, vinyl, etc.
4. the brand of the window or door??
5. Describe the part’s function – if it is not obvious.
6. Include any numbers stamped or printed on the parts.
7. How many do you need?
8. If more than one part is being sent, then the number (1,2,3, etc.) or letter (A, B, C, etc.) them.
9. Include your contact info (name, company, address, email, phone, fax
11. REMEMBER – You can look at our online catalog at this site.
Sending In Parts or Samples? .. send us the USPS "tracking number" ..
Email Us Any Questions
C J Krzywonski / Owner
1399 East 700 Lane
Phillipsburg, Kansas 67661